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    Welcome to Yinhuan group CO.,LTD.
    Home > About us > Elite Team

    Elite team

    (1) Zhuang Jianxin: Party Secretary and president of the board of directors

    State Council special allowance privileger, annual character of China's independent innovation, China's outstanding energy equipment figure

    (2) Wang Shunliang: Deputy General Manager, senior engineer

    The national labor model, member of the Standing Committee of Wuxi City Association for Science and Technology

    (3) Dr. Richard J. Roberts: president of the Group's strategic development consultant

    A winner of the Biological Medical Nobel Prize in 1993, Royal Knight of the UK, honorary professor of Harvard University, and honorary professor of Imperial College

    (4) Dr. Sakurai Takemiya: member of the international photovoltaic industry expert group

    Leader of the fourth research and development of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), and former technical director of Fuji Electric

    (5) Dr. Wu Jiong: chief expert of biomedical industry

    Cell signaling technology scientist, introduced talent of the Jiangsu Province “two creations” plan, professor of McGill University in Canada, the former vice president of the Cell Application Group

    (6) Dr. Lin Feng: Director of biotechnology industry

    Gene immunology and immunotherapy scientist, senior fellow of the United States Sanford-Burnham Institute of Biotechnology, and chief scientist of the United States Inoivo Biomedical Company 

    (7) Zhuang Zhuowei: Secretary of the board of directors

    Certified public accountant, dual degrees of International Finance in Troy University of the United States and Suzhou University, Senior Investment Analyst of the Citibank and JP Morgan Chase

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