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    Welcome to Yinhuan group CO.,LTD.
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       Energy equipment, as the carrier of energy technology, is an important core part of equipment manufacturing industry and the industry is becoming a new growth point to promote China's industrial upgrading.

       Yinhuan Group engages in the advanced nuclear power equipment, solar power equipment, storage equipment, and other fields, and gets significant influence in the field of advanced nuclear power equipment. In 2014, Yinhuan Group worked together with Baosteel Group, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, and China Huaneng Group to reconstruct the Baoyin Special Steel Tube Co., Ltd and Jiangsu Yinhuan Precision Steel Tube Co., Ltd, and Baoyin Special Steel Tube Co., Ltd commits to the development of nuclear reactor type key materials, and is equipped with the conditions to industrially produce the third and fourth generations nuclear power key tubes. In the future localization rate planning of nuclear power equipment being no less than 85%, the domestic nuclear power equipment suppliers will usher in huge development opportunities, with broad market prospect.

       In 5 years, energy equipment manufacturing industry will become a huge growth point to drive industrial upgrading of Yinhuan Group. In a decade, the new energy equipment manufacturing will form a relatively perfect industrial system with considerable advantages through the integration of upstream, midstream and downstream resources and the construction of a complete industrial chain, which has strong international competitiveness.

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