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    Opening ceremony of Baoyin company reorganization and launch ceremony of heat transfer unit of high-temperature reactor were held successfully (2015-12-08)


       On December 8, the openingceremony of Baoyin company reorganization and launch ceremony of heat transferunit of high-temperature reactor was held successfully in Yixing, Jiangsu Province.Baosteel Group chairman Xu Lejiang, general manager Chen Derong, China GuangdongNuclear Power Group chairman He Yu, China Huaneng Group deputy general managerZhang Tingke, Harbin Electric Group Co., Ltd. general manager Zou Lei, ChinaDongfang Electric Group Company general manager Si Zefu, Shanghai Electric(Group) Corporation vice president Lv Yachen, standing committee of Jiangsuprovincial Party committee andsecretary of Wuxi municipal party committee HuangLixin, secretary of Yixing municipal party committee and director of municipal standingcommittee Wang Zhongsu, Yinhuan Holdings Group chairman Zhuang Jianxin andother leaders attended the ceremony.

       In October of this year, four shareholders of threeindustry giants, respectively Baosteel Group, China Guangdong Nuclear PowerGroup, and China Huaneng Group, and private enterprise Yinhuan Holdings Group realizedjoint venture and cooperation, jointly funding RMB 819 million to complete anew round of asset restructuring of Baoyin Special Steel Tube Co., Ltd. andJiangsu Yinhuan Precise Steel Tube Co., Ltd. by Shares. The opening ceremony waspresided over by Baosteel Special Steel Co., Ltd. executive director andgeneral manager Pang Yuanlin. Jiangsu Provincial Standing Committee andsecretary of Wuxi Municipal Party committee Huang Lixin said Baoyin Company asthe leading enterprise of energy equipment in Wuxi area, made a greatcontribution to the economic and social development in Wuxi. Other guestsattending the ceremony included: Baosteel Groupdeputy general manager Zhou Zhupingand Cui Jian, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group deputy general manager ShiBing, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute dean ZhengMingguang, Huaneng Group Jiangsu Branch general manager Pang Yuantong, HuanengNuclear Power Development Co., Ltd. General manager Wang Yongfu, ShandongHuaneng Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., general manager He Yunsheng, ChinaNuclear Energy Technology Co., Ltd., general manager Wu Yulong, Nuclear PowerInstitute of China chief accountant Wu Zijian, Jiangsu High-investmentEntrepreneurship Investment Management Co., Ltd. chairman Ying Wenlu, and so on.


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