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    Welcome to Yinhuan group CO.,LTD.
    Home > Career > Overseas Accounting

    Overseas accountants (10 employees)

    (一). Job responsibilities:

    1. Organize the making and revision of the company's financial management system;

    2. Organize the analysis of the company's financial and operating conditions, and provide supports for the company's decision-makers in strategic, operational and investment decisions;

    3. Make corresponding funds use plans, contract payment plans, major economic contracts and others to ensure the safety of the company's capital and capital chain and to reduce operational risk;

    4. Participate in the establishment of the company's development strategy and annual business management objectives;

    (二). Job qualifications

    1. Education background: Bachelor degree or above

    2. Major requirements: Accounting and related majors

    3. Experience requirements: 5 years of working experiences in the accounting related management positions, and those with large enterprises and listed companies working experience are preferred.

    4. Ability requirements: able to withstand strong work pressure; deliberate, careful, and responsible; rich and comprehensive knowledge in accounting and finance; familiar with national and local policies and regulations related to finance; familiar with the contents and processes of bank credit business; able to skillfully use the computer and all finance and office software.

    5. Qualification: accountant or above.

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