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    Welcome to Yinhuan group CO.,LTD.
    Home > Group industry > Cultural Tourism

        Culture is the soul of tourism, and tourism is an important path of cultural development, and an important form to display and inherit culture. The cultural tourism industry has become the mainstream of the development of the times.

       Based on the characteristic cultures of Zen tea, hometown of professors, calligraphy and painting, and purple sands in Yixing, Yinhuan Group combines with the beautiful local scenery to integrate and interact in culture and tourism, forming a cultural tourism with arts and diversity.

       Yinhuan Group has started to invest cultural tourism 10 years before with rich experience and resources. As the key industry for the group’s development in transition, the company will integrate central enterprises, local and folk culture tourism resources to mainly construct a regional tourism leading enterprise based on the Yangtze River Delta, and aiming at the nation and even globe, and to promote the development of related businesses in painting and calligraphy, art auction, agriculture, real estate and others.

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